The Newsroom

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AI Co-Pilot for Journalists

  • Accelerate Your Research: identify key stories, and pinpoint areas of consensus and diverse narratives being surfaced, leveraging the thousands of articles our AI assimilates daily.
  • Ensure Reliability: cross-reference information efficiently from personalised, reliable sources.
  • Access Digital Dossiers: easily access historical details and quotes related to people and organisations around the world.

Mobile App for News Readers

  • News your way, hassle-free: Explore 5 news stories per day, curated for you.
  • Unclutter: Cut through the noise, and separate fact from opinion.
  • Make up your mind: Explore both sides of the story and make up your own mind.

Our Founding Team

Jenny Romano

Jenny leads all things strategy, business, and most importantly team at The Newsroom. She has 6 years in Digital Media and Digital Transformation at Google and Salesforce. At a dinner table, she is the one who listens and always tells it like it is.

Jenny Romano

Co-founder & CEO
Pedro Henriques

Pedro leads all things technical at The Newsroom, from the products you see to the AI algorithms that give them life. He has 7 years in AI and Data at PayPal and LinkedIn. At a dinner table, he is the diplomat who wants everyone to have a say.

Pedro Henriques

Co-founder & CTO

From Our Instagram

  • The highlights of the 2023 World Press Freedom Index in Africa, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East and North Africa - Part 2

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  • The 2023 World Press Freedom Index highlights general instability in journalism around the world. Where is your country in the global ranking?

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  • The highlights of the 2023 World Press Freedom Index in Europe and America - Part 1

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  • The US Supreme Court is reviewing a case on the constitutionality of punishing homelessness.

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  • The US has vetoed a UN Security Counsil resolution for Palestinian statehood.

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  • Croatia's parliamentary elections leave the ruling conservative Croatian Democratic Union short of a majority, requiring coalition-building.

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  • What can companies and regulators do to prevent the risks that AI systems pose to climate change?
✅ Transparency
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✅ Accountability 

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  • What are some of the risks that AI poses to climate change and how can companies and regulators face them?

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